
Establishment Democrats Rely on Identity Politics to Ignore How Socialism Is Energizing Voters

In searching for an explanation for Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s remarkable victory, liberal pundits seem to have settled on the argument that Ocasio-Cortez won because there is a generational and demographic shift occurring in the Democratic Party.
Yet, this argument obscures the role of class politics. It is a deliberate way for Democrats to embrace the success of her campaign and how she and similar candidates are energizing voters while maintaining a distance from the democratic socialist positions on issues that enabled her to prevail.

Harvard Professor Proposes Packing Supreme Court with Leftists, Salutes Socialism

Ian Samuel, a lecturer at Harvard Law School, says that 14 out of the last 18 Supreme Court justices were appointed by Republicans, and argues that the Supreme Court should add new seats to the Supreme Court, "packing" it with liberals to give more power to the left, as soon as Democrats recapture the presidency and Congress. [...]

Economist Peter Koenig on Venezuela’s Push Towards a “Resistance Economy”

The Government of Venezuela called an international Presidential Economic Advisory Commission, 14-16 June, 2018 – to debate the current foreign injected economic disturbances and seeking solutions to overcome them. I was privileged and honored to be part of this commission. Venezuela is literally being strangled by economic sanctions, by infiltrated elements of unrest, foreign-trained opposition leaders, trained to disrupt the distribution of food, pharmaceutical, and medical equipment.

Leftist ‘Mexican Trump’ Lopez Obrador sweeps presidential election

In a result pollsters have been predicting for several weeks, three-time presidential candidate Andrés Manuel López Obrador pulled out a convincing victory in Mexico’s general elections on Sunday, emerging nearly 30 points ahead of his closest rival.
Obrador ran as a left-wing populist championing Mexico’s poor and railing against the corrupt political establishment in the country, which has led some to compare him with US President Donald Trump.

What Privatization? Iran’s Unique Socialist Economy

Just as everyone falsely assumes that Iran’s economic history followed the standard colonial model (it didn’t), that their political cleavages are the same as the West’s (they aren’t) and that Iran trails the West in modern political thought & democratic structure (they don’t), it is little wonder that Westerners assume that “privatization” simply must be the same as in the West (it isn’t).