
Why Did This Just Happen Again?

Another heavily-armed, sociopath fascist has carried out a carefully-planned, extremely cold-blooded, videotaped massacre. In terms of the particular form of mass murder that involves targeting people because of their race, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation or other such commonly-held characteristic, by far the most large-scale forms of ethnic cleansing have been carried out by governments.

Psychopathology of Not Teaching, Not Feeding, Not Embracing Our Youth

Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself.
We do not learn from experience… we learn from reflecting on experience.
Failure is instructive. The person who really thinks learns quite as much from his failures as from his successes.
Give the pupils something to do, not something to learn; and the doing is of such a nature as to demand thinking; learning naturally results.
We only think when confronted with a problem.

Lee Camp Hits Hard on MSNBC’s Rick Tyler’s Cheap Shots at Sanders and Socialism

On February 19, Bernie Sanders announced his candidacy for the presidency in an email to supporters, assuring them that his platform continues to be what so strongly resonated with younger voters and pushed the Democratic Party to the left. It includes universal healthcare, an hourly minimum wage of $15, and free public college tuition.

Angelo John Gage - Yang's UBI, Tucker's Assailants, Trump's Downfall & Omar's “Hate” - Hour 1

Meta-political activist Angelo John Gage joins Henrik to talk about Trumps complete collapse, Andrew Yang's Universal Basic Income (UBI) policy and the YangGang memes. We also talk about Tucker Carlson's recent attackers, Media Matters and why they are seeking to take him off the air and get sponsors from abandoning his show.

Sverige, ett lyxigare DDR?

På sätt och vis påminner dagens Sverige om de gamla öststaterna.Makten måste upprätthållas till varje pris. Samtidigt befinner sig delar av statens verksamhet i kris. Systemets funktionärer tar på skygglappar och gör på sin höjd sitt - men ingen tar ansvar för varesig delarna eller helheten.Det finns även något i tonläget som får mig att tänka på det gamla Östtyskland. Humorlöshet och fruktan för frihet.

Venezuela Diary: January 24 to February 23, 2019

Below is a diary, edited slightly for style and clarity, directly from Facebook posts of mine from January 24, 2019 through the culminating day — for now — of Saturday, February 23, 2019 when the US propaganda whirlwind and concerted campaign caught up with the political realities on the ground. Although I have not been a regular user of Facebook, resisting the entreaties of friends, in this period I found it a compelling vehicle to follow, speak out, and get feedback on the Trump Administration-led drive for a military coup and the accompanying propaganda build-up.