
Rising from its Death-bed

A socialist party that some say is a relic from the past clinging to life-support, is hoping its message can still resonate, and is attempting to sow its ideas in more favorable soil, now that American political life is showing promising signs of a revival. However, a definite class ideology by no means exists as yet and the task still remains to build a mass workers’ movement.

Russia warns Bolton: “Monroe Doctrine” Remarks are Insulting to Latin America

What is the ‘Monroe Doctrine’? In brief, it is a document which defines the entire Western Hemisphere as a ‘backyard’ of the United States. It ‘philosophically’ justifies Washington’s neo-colonialism, and the most barbaric coups it has been triggering, as well as covered and open interventions in the Caribbean, and in Central and South America.

Democrats Are Still Twisting Themselves Into Knots Trying To Explain Health Insurance And Other Progressive Initiatives To Voters

"Look," no one serious ever said, "we can't put the Mob out of business because it will throw so many people out of work." It's true. If the Mob were shut down, all kinds of people doing work that, in varying degree, is anti-social. Insurance companies are also doing work that is anti-societal. Yet it is widely thought that if they are phased out as an anachronism for another, more effective means of paying for healthcare, too many people will be unemployed.

Stop that Gucci and Prada Talk: Chinese and Russian People want to live too!!

I hear this again and again, whenever I speak in the West:
“What kind of Communism is that in China? In all big cities, they have Prada and Gucci in every major department store.”
Western leftists are obsessed with this topic. They do not even realize how ridiculous, how racist their arguments actually are!

Democrats Are Still Twisting Themselves Into Knots Trying To Explain Health Insurance And Other Progressive Initiatives To Voters

"Look," no one serious ever said, "we can't put the Mob out of business because it will throw so many people out of work." It's true. If the Mob were shut down, all kinds of people doing work that, in varying degree, is anti-social. Insurance companies are also doing work that is anti-societal. Yet it is widely thought that if they are phased out as an anachronism for another, more effective means of paying for healthcare, too many people will be unemployed.

Why I am a Socialist

For starters, it sounds quite contrarian, antiquarian even, in this day and age, to assert one’s “socialism” in the obvious face of History, which changes its make-up several times a decade, anymore: a dab of recession here, a little more war-paint there.
Well, lipstick traces of all possible revolutions notwithstanding, it seems that most advanced Capitalist nations are, in fact, Socialist to a large degree; ironic that a country like China has emerged as an avatar of Capitalism after over half-a-century hatching a billion-plus plots behind its Great Wall of Communism.

Watch | Brazil, Colombia, Now Venezuela: US Pursues Right-Wing Hegemony in South America

(Transcript) This video was produced as part of a MintPress News and Grayzone collaboration —  World domination: it’s a funny concept. We can imagine old dudes with messy hair and thick glasses taking over the world or the caricature of a humanoid villain that wears a skull and crossbones, but what about applying it to the real world? Who’s closest to taking over the world we live in? Do I even need to say it?

Can a Socialist Win in the U.S.A.?

It’s a stretch to assume, the way all cable news anchors do, that a self-avowed socialist cannot become U.S. president, due to a supposedly inherent, gut-level American antipathy to socialism. The talking heads posit this in an attempt to convince the viewers that any hopes they have for fundamental change are hopeless if they challenge the omnipotent capitalist system. Don’t even think about it!