ClandesTime 195 – The New Cultural Cold War
The original Cultural Cold War has been the subject of numerous books and articles on both sides of the divide,...
The original Cultural Cold War has been the subject of numerous books and articles on both sides of the divide,...
The meaning of democratic socialism―a mixture of political and economic democracy―should be no mystery to Americans. After all, socialist programs have been adopted in most other democratic nations. And, in fact, Americans appear happy enough with a wide range of democratic socialist institutions in the United States, including public schools, public parks, minimum wage laws, Social Security, public radio, unemployment insurance, public universities, Medicare, public libraries, the U.S. postal service, public roads, and high taxes on the wealthy.
China has made massive strides ahead in improving the lives of hundreds of millions of people in the countryside. That progress was at the forefront on Friday as officials held a press conference focusing on agriculture and rural affairs, as well as a major ongoing poverty reduction campaign.
Agostinho Neto declaring independence of Angola 11 November 1975
What I want to do here is something very simple. I want to explain how I began to search for Agostinho Neto. I also want to explain the perspective that shapes this search.1
Problemet med politik är att politikerna bestämmer hur allt skall vara. Även när de har fel och är inkompetenta. Och även när alla andra vet bättre.Politik handlar till sin natur om att styra och ställa över hur saker och ting skall fungera och hur människor skall bete sig. Ibland är det nödvändigt. Till exempel behövs lagar för att skydda människors säkerhet och egendom.
Aron Flam samtalar med Mattias Svensson om skriften "Vad vi kan lära av planekonomin".Youtube »Soundcloud »
Läs min senaste krönika hos Mårtensson. Länk:Sverige behöver ett politiskt systemskifte »"Sverige är inget normalt land. Vi styrs av människor som vill påtvinga alla andra sina fixa idéer. Även när dessa idéer inte stämmer överens med verkligheten, fakta, den mänskliga naturen, ekonomins lagar eller enkel logik.
It is an age-old question as to the extent art reflects the world we live in. Bertolt Brecht allegedly said to the contrary that art was “not a mirror held up to reality but a hammer with which to shape it.” The Marxist German playwright devised theatrical methods designed to distance the audience from the staged drama while drawing self-reflexive attention to the contrived nature of the spectacle itself.
Decades ago, Edward Said remarked that contemporary life is characterized by a “generalized condition of homelessness.” Decades earlier, Martin Heidegger had written that “Homelessness is coming to be the destiny of t