
Chaos In Bolivia After President Morales Resigns, Claims He Was Victim Of A Coup

President Evo Morales has resigned at the urging of country's military, following weeks of protest over the October election that the opposition claimed was rigged. Morales, the country's first indigenous ruler who has been in power for nearly 14 years, claims he was the victim of a “coup” and faced arrest.

Porkins Policy Radio episode 199 Matthew Alford on Brexit, Boris Johnson, and Black Rod

This week I welcomed Matthew Alford to discuss all things Brexit. We kicked off the show by talking about Boris Johnson’s rise to power. Matt talked about Johnson’s public persona as an “inbred upperclass twit,” and how this has shaped his political career. Next, we dove head first into the ongoing drama of Brexit. Matt […]

Vänsterns nya kläder

Det talas om globalisering och globalism. Det är förvirrande, urvattnade och missbrukade begrepp som kan betyda lite vad som helst. Kanske handlar det mer om en känsla av något som är svårt att sätta fingret på. Dessutom har begreppen en olycklig air av konspirationsteori över sig.Centralstyrning, elitvälde, kontroll, övervakning, pekpinnar, skvalpvaluta, vanskött offentlig verksamhet, ett evigt svassande för FN och moraliskt storhetsvansinne.

Crisis after Crisis and Still the Citizen in Capitalism Follows the Paymaster as God

I’ve been running into a lot of soft democrats and confused environmentalists lately who are all up in arms about things that really don’t mean diddly-squat in the scheme of things. You know, the presidential election (sic), all the perversity of not only Trump, but Holly-dirt, Mainlining Media, and the billionaire class, and this rotten society that still after 400 years of slavery and after a thousand treaties with indigenous peoples broken is as racist as ever.
Southern California Communist Party of USA:

Is America Ready for Socialism?

Strategic Culture Foundation conducted the following interview with American professor of politics Colin S. Cavell on the seeming emergence of a more leftwing agenda among some Democratic politicians and a more radical consciousness among ordinary American citizens for social and economic equality.
Republican President Donald Trump has made frequent condemnation in speeches of “evil socialism”, as if betraying a fear among the American ruling class of such a popular turn towards socialism arising.