
In the UK Do Subjects Deserve their Rulers?

I constantly receive such letters; letters which repeat, again and again, year after year, basically the same thing: “If only we would have an opportunity to vote out our damn system!”
Such letters, emails and messages keep coming to me from the United States, but also from the United Kingdom. Particularly, after certain events, like when the Western empire overthrows some progressive government in Asia, Latin America or the Middle East.

God the Invisible King – HG Wells – Jay Dyer / Jamie Hanshaw (Half)

We continue the globalization books series by analyzing a lesser-known but telling work from master propagandist HG Wells on theology and the coming religious worldview of the new world order.  Wells not only anticipated the developments of the coming dystopia’s governance, but its religion as well.  The full talk will be available to JaysAnalysis subscribers. Live at 8PM CST 


Är verkligen mer radikal socialism socialdemokratins räddning?

Läs min senaste krönika hos Mårtensson:Är verkligen mer radikal socialism socialdemokratins räddning? »"Ett av socialismens problem är att den tenderar att få slut på andra människors pengar. Ett annat att en socialistisk omfördelningspolitik inte kan upprätthållas utan ett stort mått av centralstyrning, övervakning och tvång.

‘I am Fidel’ – the Cuban Response to US Hopes of Destabilising Cuba

Three years since Cuban revolutionary leader Fidel Castro died at age 90 of natural causes, the Cuban Revolution has withstood ongoing destabilisation efforts to turn the island once again into an imperialist playground. Indeed, as Latin American countries grapple with the ramifications of historical and current US intervention, Cuba has steadfastly held on to the principles which Fidel imparted to the Cuban people throughout the revolutionary process.

Antisemitism Claims have One Goal: To Stop Jeremy Corbyn Winning Power

A supposed antisemitism crisis in Britain’s Labour party since Jeremy Corbyn became leader has erupted back into the headlines.
This time barely any effort has been made to conceal the fact that the accusations relate to the “danger” that Corbyn could soon win power, with Britain gearing up for a general election in less than a month.

For Mayor Sanders, Wielding Power Meant Mobilizing Disaffected People To Vote And Ejecting Entrenched Democrats

Paul Waters-Smith noted, over at Current Affairs that if we want to build popular power, we need an organizer-in-chief and urged his readers to take a chance with a Socialist and "back the one and only chance at a pro-labor presidency we’re likely to have for a generation.