
Beware of the Scheming Trotskyists

The Third International, also known as the Communist International (COMINTERN), existed between 1919 and 1943 to battle against the forces of fascism that took hold in Europe, Asia, and Latin America following World War I. It replaced the Second International, formed in Paris in 1889 among world socialist and labor parties. The Second International was replaced in 1923 by the Labor and Socialist International (LSI), representing many of the world’s social democratic parties.

Flu Deaths: US 6,600 — China 25

As of 24 January, a grand total of 25 people in China have died from a new strain of flu being dubbed “Wuhan”, after the city where it started. A few days ago, when 17 had died, Chinese media reported that 16 of them were over 65 years of age and the 17th was 61. So, clearly, the elderly is the most at risk group. But, that’s the case for mutating flu viruses every winter.

ELITE AT DAVOS: Americanism & The False Libertarian Dialectic – Jay Dyer (Half)

My analysis from two years ago has proven accurate! In our post-modern world, two contradictory presuppositions dominate: total and all-encompassing relativism and extreme mathematical quantification in terms of technological dominance. Globalism itself is the clearest manifestation of this double-think, with Trump as an icon of both. Corporatism, mammonism and relativism all coalesce into a satanic-based world order.

Colombia: Where Life has to Defeat Death

In one of the poorest neighborhoods of Bogota, Belen, I saw two people bleeding in the middle of the road. One person was clearly dead. A group of onlookers was moving frantically, shouting loudly. There was an attempt to resurrect an injured man. I asked the driver to inquire whether our help was needed, but he was told something insulting by the locals, and insisted that we leave the scene immediately.
Was it a traffic accident? Or a murder? The driver did not know. He actually did not want to know.

Incredible Lightness of Quetzalcóatl

From the far distance sounded the muffled howling of a family of monkeys, monos gritones, passing the night in the crowns of the mighty trees. It echoed through the jungle like the roar of an angry mountain lion. Gruesome and terrifying, it seemed to tear the night apart, but it did not disturb the jungle. It sang and fiddled, chirped and whistled, whined and whimpered, rejoiced and lamented its ever-unchanging song with the constancy of the roaring sea.

Why “Go Home Yanqui” Country is that Shit-Hole USA it Has Always Been

Los Dias de los Muertos are highly stylized rituals grounded in Aztec mythology when those who had passed on during the year migrate to the darkness of Mictlan in the north – the 1st is reserved for the innocents, the children, and the 2nd for the rest of us poor sinners. Traditional altars, garnished with cempaxeutl (a kind of marigold), photographs of the “difuntos” (deceased ones), jugs of tequila and mezcal, the favorite cigarettes of the dead, steaming bowls of turkey mole, and spun sugar “cranios” (skulls) blanket the land from border to border.