
The “Economic Calculation” Controversy

The economic calculation argument (ECA) has to do with the claim that, in the absence of market prices, a socialist economy would be unable to make rational choices concerning the allocation of resources and that this would make socialism an impracticable proposition. Tracing the historical development of this argument, this article goes on to consider some of its basic assumptions about how the price mechanism actually works in practice; in so doing, it attempts to demonstrate that the argument is based upon fundamentally shaky foundations.

Defeat? Here’s How Sanders Will Avoid Corbyn’s Fate

Right now the DNC is working hard to see if they can sabotage Sanders’ campaign by pressuring him to take a moderate stand – a change of position – on any one of his main pillars: universal healthcare, student debt cancellation, and the $15 an hour minimum wage.
The idea is to convince Sanders’ campaign strategists that in so doing, he will receive better media coverage from DNC friendly corporate outlets like CNN and MSNBC, and as a result of this moderation will become more electable for swing voters. But why would this sabotage his campaign?

Harry Truman, Too, Was a Self-Described Democratic Socialist

Eric Zuesse
This is from the public papers of U.S. President Harry S. Truman in 1952:
“Public Papers, Harry S. Truman, 1945-1953, October 10, 1952”
[rail-car campaigning for Adlai Stevenson in N.Y. State to become Truman’s successor, against Dwight Eisenhower]

How Elizabeth Warren Still Might Get the DNC’s Presidential Nod

Eric Zuesse
Democratic Party billionaires continue to provide indications that they won’t accept Bernie Sanders to be their Party’s Presidential nominee, and unless Sanders can amass over 50% of the delegate-votes in the Convention’s first-round balloting (which is in doubt), those billionaires (via their agents at the Convention, the DNC’s 700+ superdelegates) will decide whom the nominee will be, and it won’t be Sanders. Whom will it be, then?

An excellent way to distinguish between liberals and conservatives [Video]

Dr Steven Turley has emerged in the last couple years as one of the clearest voices in support of “the new nationalism” that appears to be taking shape in many nations all over the world. This rise of nationalism, populism and traditionalism is revealing the real divide between liberals and conservatives in America and around the world. Most significantly leading this charge is the Russian Federation, but many nations are coming on board: The United Kingdom, Hungary, Italy, the United States, Australia, and some signs of interest in antiglobalism in France.

Opinion: Why the world should pay attention to President Trump [Video]

President Trump is a man unleashed. After the dreadfully powerful and public failure of the Compleat Fake Impeachment Inquiry (and Show Trial), Donald Trump did not put his gained political capital in his pocket. He is instead, off and running with a vengeance not seen in modern American politics, certainly not in the fifty some odd years of my lifetime, and possibly not seen in the nation’s history.

What “That’s Not Realistic” Really Means: Bernie Sanders, Social Democracy, and Capitalist Apologetics

When discussing politics, or listening to pundits in the mainstream media in the run up to the 2020 presidential election, you’ve probably heard a common refrain: certain policies are “not realistic.” It’s similar to the close-minded remark that certain politicians, such as Bernie Sanders, have issues regarding their “electability”. What are these elites and people who continually parrot these media narratives actually saying?