
No Socialist Paradise: Sweden’s COVID-19 Response Is Nothing to Envy

Eleanor Goldfield reports from Stockholm on how COVID-19 has laid bare the US-style capitalist reality creeping into Sweden’s already struggling socialized programs.
From Djurgården, I walk along the water on Strandvägen – a rising fall whips in a determined wind across the water, slicing at remnants of summer and carving pathways around centuries-old buildings. Colors like Nordic interior design catalogs look like they’ve been stirred among clouds – a muted vibrance that evokes a calm and stoic resolve.

Allende’s Political Program as Reference for a Sustainable Chile

This September marked 50 years since Salvador Allende’s Unidad Popular triumphed in the country’s democratic elections. On September 4, 1970, despite the CIA’s funding of right-wing politics to sabotage the electoral process, Chile chose socialism and was well on the way to prove that revolution could be carried out through democratic means – a process that created yet another hindrance for U.S. plans in the region. Since the triumph of the Cuban Revolution, the U.S.

Time for a new revolution

What Happened As the presidential election draws near both contestants make fatuous appeals to America’s near-sainted Founding Fathers and that almost sacred scroll known as the Constitution. History has seen more than its share of distortion. Myths and misconceptions have sprung up that many people now take as fact. However, historical interpretation must be based on evidence, which in many cases[Read More...]

A Flag; a Violent MAGA Family; a Brick through the Window!

I’ll get to the punch line soon, since this is part two of a two-part mini-horror story of a neighbor’s 41-year-old MAGA son, the actual son’s 63-year-old MAGA-mean mom, and alas, the 41-year-old son’s 39-year-old brother. And then the lot of them under the roof of a 63-year-old stepfather who has “US Navy retired” on his Facebook account, as well as every single post about on-line Texas Hold’em. [Part One! Your Right Ends with My Right to Might]
The offending sign:

My Journey To Socialism: From 9-11 Through The Great Recession

Here are three questions I would propose to the people who read this article: Other than being a Red Diaper Baby, what is the process by which people came to socialism and how did they handle the disapproval of their families and long-term friends? How does having a framework for capitalism make it easier to understand what’s going on? In[Read More...]

US ‘left’ aligns with State Department on China Cold War

Red Lines host Anya Parampil talks to Danny Haiphong, a contributor at the Black Agenda Report, about why some US leftwing media outlets repeat State Department talking points on China.   Haiphong also challenges some of the more hackneyed talking points repeated in putatively left media, including that “China is capitalist” and “China has imperialist […]
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