
Which Coronavirus Policies Succeed, And Which Fail: N.Y. Times Analysis Confirms Mine

Eric Zuesse, originally posted at Strategic Culture According to an analysis by and in the New York Times on November 18th, which is headlined “States That Imposed Few Restrictions Now Have the Worst Outbreaks”, “Coronavirus cases are rising in almost every U.S. state. But the surge is worst now in places where leaders neglected to […]

Active Shooter in the Brain

Oh, the act of deactivating, the process of disconnecting, the very process of uncluttering the brain — bye-bye Facebook — Emancipation! Some might say we are caught in a fun-house . . . or caught in a psych ward. I have more and more people in my sphere — work, friends, email world, Facebook world, […]
The post Active Shooter in the Brain first appeared on Dissident Voice.

Resurgence of Socialism in Bolivia

In Bolivia, the Movement Toward Socialism (MAS) – a major leftist political force – has returned to power following a thumping victory in the 2020 elections. The MAS presidential candidate Luis Arce obtained 55.09% of the votes, decisively ahead of the neoliberal candidate Carlos Mesa and the right-wing extremist Luis Fernando Camacho who garnered 28.83% […]
The post Resurgence of Socialism in Bolivia first appeared on Dissident Voice.

“Dictatorship” and “Democracy” as Loaded Language: Anti-Communist Cold-War Propaganda

ORIENTATION In my last article I showed how the word “totalitarian” was used as a loaded vice word to attack the Soviet Union after World War II and to red-bait communists around the world. The use of the word totalitarian began in the 1930s, but even before then in the 1920’s, the word “dictator” began […]

How A Socialist Mainstay Found A Democrat Worth Supporting

 Grand Choral Synogogue, Petersburg, where I communed with my grandfather's teenage spirit A few years ago I visited Russia for the first time. My grandfather, fleeing a series of pograms in his district, left there when he was a young teen and came to the U.S. When I was in St Petersburg I visited the Grand Choral Synagogue, the biggest in Russia-- built in 1893.