social distancing

Ep 101 – Paul Saladino MD HAMMERS VIRAL ISSUES – also cholesterol and fat!

Wow this was an EPIC one! Paul Saladino MD and I met up again after our blistering episode of May 2020 – and we were bang on point back then. Everything pretty much unfolded exactly as we said it would. And here we debrief on the #REALITY of this thing – this one is an … Ep 101 – Paul Saladino MD HAMMERS VIRAL ISSUES – also cholesterol and fat! Read More »

Together Apart: The Social Distance Backstory

Sinead Murphy In the midst of outrage at restrictions on our living arrangements, issued by a UK government that has lost its orientation to reality, two questions arise. The first continues to receive fulsome treatment, at least in non-mainstream media. It is: How can such restrictions be necessary? The second is less frequently addressed. It …

Ep96 Viral Hysteria Wreaking Havoc – versus Implementing Real Fixes? WHY?

Short podcast with Ally Houston from Paleo Canteen. We discuss the impending annihilation of the hospitality sector, totally unjustified and wrong. Then we talk about what would actually HELP with this viral issue. Ally’s Paleo Canteen Low Carb On A Budget Cookbook  UK & Europe – Rest of world – Amazon Website –  Twitter – NOTE: … Ep96 Viral Hysteria Wreaking Havoc – versus Implementing Real Fixes? WHY?

Viral Issue Crucial Update Sept 8th: the Science, Logic and Data Explained!

Short video on the latest data around mortality risk realities, seasonality, the Sweden Question, Europe vs USA – and the evidence For/Against various suppression measures. In all cases we review the official published data and studies from the past weeks – only official government data included – no controversial sources. Although no fringe material here … Viral Issue Crucial Update Sept 8th: the Science, Logic and Data Explained! Read More »

The New Normal At The British Library

The British Library reopened in July. It is now September, but things have changed big time since the lockdown. Instead of just turning up at one of the reading rooms, seats must be booked in advance, now and for the immediate future, perhaps longer. Readers were limited to one session per week, but this has now been increased to two. The sessions are said to be four hours in length. In what universe is 11.30am to 2.30pm four hours?

The Mind Sports Olympiad 2020

The 2020 Mind Sports Olympiad, the first one to be held on-line, took place over the entire month of August bar August 31. Full details of the events and prize winners can be found on the official site, but in summary, it was a great success.
Because entry was free, but just as importantly because there were no physical barriers to overcome such as travel, there was a much larger turnout, but there was some striking consistency among the veterans.