social credit

Davos reveals building blocks for “green” social credit system

Kit Knightly This morning, on one of the WEF’s live-streamed panels, Alibaba Holdings President J. Michael Evans claimed that the company is working on an app that could track an individual users carbon footprint. The former-Goldman Sachs vice-chairman told the audience of the “Strategic Outlook: Responsible Consumption” panel: We’re developing, through technology, an ability for …

Exposing the “Digital ID is a Human Right” Scam

A major component of the Great Reset-Technocratic Agenda is the implementation of a worldwide digital identity scheme. One of the first steps to realize this goal is to convince the public that digital identity programs are a “human right” worth fighting for. Why is the push for digital identity absolutely vital to the Technocrats visions? Read More...

Derrick Broze Interview – Impending Future Of Social Credit, Social Impact Investing & Digital IDs

Joining me today is Derrick Broze, here to discuss his very important recent article highlighting the future of digital IDs, your (already developed) social credit scores, and from there, the new stock market of the ultra-rich: social impact investing. Yet this has nothing to do with traditional stocks. In the new normal, the new world Read More...

The Coming Terror of Social Impact Finance and Social Credit Scores

Will the social engineers of the future use social engineering tools such as social credit scores and social impact finance to co-create a more equitable and just world? Or are all of the buzzwords simply another mask for the next stage of colonialist-corporate-capitalism? “The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the Read More...

American Federation of Teachers Sells Out to Rockefellers, Trilateralists, and Big Tech

The country's 2nd largest teachers union heavily lobbied the CDC to not reopen schools. While they framed their efforts as health and safety focused, there is more than meets the eye to the union's push for indefinite remote learning.
American Federation of Teachers Sells Out to Rockefellers, Trilateralists, and Big Tech.