smart power

Henningsen: ‘US Anti-Trump Protests Similar to Soros Color Revolutions Abroad’

21st Century Wire says…
Organized efforts are underway by Democratic Party affiliated NGO’s to try and somehow delegitimize the results of this week’s US Presidential Election. 
On the eve of the US Election before voters went to the polls, 21WIRE political affairs analyst Patrick Henningsen accurately predicted this week’s unrest when he said:

The White Helmets “Black Record”: Vanessa Beeley Talks to RT About French Gov’t Collusion with Al Qaeda Linked Group

21st Century Wire says…
In a move that Aldous Huxley and George Orwell would applaud, as proof that their prophecy for the world had come true, the French Government welcomed NATO-state-multi-million-funded-terrorist-linked White Helmets into the halls of power, the National Assembly in Paris.