
The poisoning hoax that started Cold War 2.0 with Russia (Video)

The Duran’s Alex Christoforou and Editor-in-Chief Alexander Mercouris discuss the 2004 Viktor Yushchenko poisoning that shaped 15 years of Ukraine-Russia tension and an eventual Cold War 2.0 between Russia and the United States.
The problem with the poisoning (that kicked off a never ending Russia demonization campaign in western politics and media), is that it never happened, and was completely made up.
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OSINT for Dummies: How to Mount a Fake Investigation

Since 2012, western political and media establishments have been aggressively propping-up cutout organizations like Bellingcat, portraying them as the ‘unlikely amateur’ sleuth-heroes, running their world-beating ‘open source’ (OSINT) investigations from their laptops in the UK and the Netherlands. In every instance, their OSINT ‘findings’ will implicate the geopolitical adversaries of the US and its allies.

Episode #265 – ‘Globalist Coup d’Grâce?’ hosts Basil Valentine, Mike Robinson, guest Vanessa Beeley

Episode #265 of SUNDAY WIRE SHOW resumes on Jan 27th 2018 with guest hosts Basil Valentine and Mike Robinson filling for Patrick Henningsen, broadcasting LIVE on the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR)…
5pm-7pm UK Time | 12pm-2pm ET (US) | 9am-11am PT (US)

Porkins Policy Radio episode 160 Quarantining 9/11 with Robbie Martin

Frequent guest and friend of the show Robbie Martin joined me this week. We started off by discussing Reddit’s recent quarantining of 23 subreddits. We focused on their quarantine of the 9/11 Truth subreddit. We talked about the specific language that was used for 9/11 Truth about misinformation, and that the fact that no other quarantines specified misinformation. Robbie talked about the levels to which 9/11 Truth has been stifled in the past few years. We also contemplated the role of open source and crowd sourced research in today’s political landscape.

NATO ‘Russian Hacking’ PR Campaign is Cover for Own Offensive Cyber, Propaganda Ops

In Question host Anya Parampil speaks with former member of UK Parliament, George Galloway, and former US diplomat, Jim Jatras, about the slurry of hacking allegations NATO countries lobbed at Russia on Thursday. The Netherlands, UK, US and Canada all came forward to accuse Russia of hacking multiple agencies, including the British Foreign Office and Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons. Watch: