Skripal assassination attempt

The Germans have a Russian hacking story afterall

Two Germany broadcasters, ZDF and WDR, are claiming that they have become the victims of a new Russian cyber attack. The attack is being reported as being the work of a Russian hacking group known as ‘Sandworm’. Reports are saying that the attack occurred in June, but has no clue about what the hackers were after, or whether any sensitive information was stolen. Additionally, the ‘Sandworm’ hacking group is also suspected of having ties to the Kremlin, and played a role in the attack on the US DNC servers during the 2016 US Presidential election.

Concerns about alleged Russian meddling in German elections ‘proven wrong’

From political processes to assassinations to international sporting events to terrorist attacks, the Russians are alleged to have a hand in it all somehow, somewhere. Not only is Russia supposed to have interfered in the 2016 US Presidential election somehow, but it’s been alleged that the Russians were also hacking or meddling or something of that nature the Brexit vote, Danish elections, the Catalonia independence referendum, the Germany parliamentary elections, the Italian elections, etc.

Former British Ambassador to Syria says OPCW turning into NATO tool for war

Between the Skripal poisonings and the staged Douma chemical attack, the West has been on a mission to find a solid pretext for ramping up their hysteria against Russia even further, to ever more so isolate it, and for developing a good excuse to escalate the West’s military participation in Syria with an aim of eliminating the Assad government.

US, Britain, and allies seek to expand OPCW competencies

Ever so convenient for the powers of the West which arm, fund, and run interference for terrorist organizations, which serve as their proxies as agents of destabilization, a special session for the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons is being held at the Hague for the purpose of outlining and granting it expanded competencies in the area of assigning definitive charges for the use of chemical weapons.

Jeremy Corbyn calls out Boris Johnson for ‘misleading’ the public

UK’s opposition leader, Jeremy Corbyn, on Wednesday, told reporters that Foreign Minister Borish Johnson “needs to answer some questions.” Boris has continued his story about being “absolutely” certain that Russia used a military grade nerve agent, specifically Novichok, [or was it something like Novichok?] to poison the ex double agent Sergei Skripal and his daughter, which allegations have led to a massive degree of anti-Russian hysteria in the UK media and government countermeasures against Russia

Want to know who’s behind the Russia scandals? He’s right here.

Over the last 15 months or longer, there has been a very carefully orchestrated campaign of rhetorical propaganda that all has the same kind of characteristics:

  • extreme, but connected claims and assertions
  • an expression of ideology that seems to explain all the actions
  • Zero hard evidence as proof of any allegation

Rush Limbaugh said many years ago that the thing that matters in modern politics is this: