
The History of the Mafia Proves the New W0rld 0rder

Following up on the mafia and organized crime series, Jay Dyer hosts the 4th hour of the hAlex J0nes Show and links the structure of the mafia to the power elite/shadow government.  Learning one gives insight into the other – we cover wartime activities and profits, JFK, RFK and Momo, as well as the assassination. […]
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Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahIt's been two weeks since the Republican Drug-Fueled Freak Show on the White House lawn. Anybody seen Kimberly Guilfoyle since then? Don Jr.? Kellyanne grabbed her broom and flew away for parts unknown. Eric is safely put back in an attic closet. Rudy's probably in the Ukraine screaming, texting like mad, and sweating profusely as he tries to keep his teeth in. The FOX "News" goons are back in their KKK Klubhouse. Boats are sinking...Anyway, Oakland, CA based artist Eddie Colla has assembled a nice commemorative video (above).

Frank Sinatra Had The Perfect Message For Señor Trumpanzee

I was just starting to think about what high school would be like when Frank Sinatra started Reprise Records... as a refuge for himself and for his pals from the tyranny of the major record labels. Reprise was a label founded on the basis of real artist freedom. I only met him a couple of times and never got to know him at all, but I was the next CEO of Reprise after Sinatra-- after a long interregnum. By then it was a owned by Warner Bros which, in 1987, decided to revive it as a full-fledged label.

Sleater-Kinney, The Ramones, Frank Sinatra... And Ted Cruz, The Trumpf Slayer

This year-- after an 8 year hiatus, Sleater-Kinney got back together, released a new album, No Cities to Love, and have been touring non-stop (this week New York-- Kings Theater in Brooklyn tonight-- and then off to New Zealand and Australia in February). Thursday night at the House of Blues in Cleveland, they performed a cover of the 1987 Ramones classic "Merry Christmas (I Don't Wanna Fight Tonight)."The original Ramones video is pretty rare too-- and, if I remember correctly, the first one that C.J. was in instead of Dee Dee.

Frank Sinatra Contest-- The Best Is Yet To Come… For South Dakota

Today Blue America is launching an effort on behalf of prairie populist Rick Weiland who's running for the open blue Senate seat in South Dakota. With two Republicans running against the GOP Establishment pick in the general election, this should be a great opportunity to elect a dedicated tribune of working families in what the DC pundits see as a tough race. One Republican is an ex-U.S.