
Reports of Great Barrier Reef’s Death Have Been ‘Greatly Exaggerated’

New images of the Great Barrier Reef show that rising water temperatures have severely damaged the world’s largest reef system, which stretches for over 1,400 miles off the coast of Australia. [1]
How bad is it? Hmm. It depends on who you ask.
One scientist who visited the reef said that “if it was a person, it would be on life support.”

Study Shows Some Viruses are More Potent in the Morning

A new study published in Proceeding of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) suggests that viruses are 10 times more likely to be successful at infecting their hosts in the morning. Research also found that those who had a disrupted circadian rhythm because of the pattern of their jobs, jet-lag, or disrupted sleep patterns in general may be even more susceptible to infection.

Two Children’s Hospitals Help Kids Recover Using Pokemon Go

Pokemon Go is the latest craze to sweep the nation. Some crazy things are happening with Pokemon Go which may not be the greatest, but that doesn’t mean the game is evil or there is no good coming from this latest sensation. One example can be seen with two hospitals using the craze to help motivate their patients to get out of bed and boost their morale.

Scientists Outline 6 ‘No Duh’ Habits that Will Shorten our Lives

Eating too much junk food, smoking cigarettes, drinking too much alcohol – all these things can shorten our lives, and we know it. So set on proving most of the things that are terrible for us are fun, scientists from the University of Sydney followed more than 230,000 people aged 45 and older for 6 years. The team assembled a list of 6 ‘deadly sins’
Researcher Dr. Melody Ding, said:

Triclosan a Hazardous Antibacterial Agent, Works ‘No Better than Regular Soap’

Cold weather will soon be here, kids are bringing home colds from school, and flu season is right around the corner – so parents are beginning to focus even more on antibacterial soaps and hand sanitizers. But scientists in Korea have found that antibacterial soaps are a waste of money and don’t work any better than regular soaps. What’s more, the use of antibacterial soaps and hand sanitizers is contributing to the development of bacterial superbugs.
Not only that, but many antibacterial soaps are bad for you, too.

Research: You’re 4x more Likely to Catch a Cold with this Mistake

People who get fewer than 6 hours of sleep each night are more likely to catch a cold, researchers are saying.
In what is believed to be the first study of its kind, researchers say people are 4 times more likely to come down with the common cold if they get less than 6 hours of shut-eye per night, compared with those who get at least seven or more hours of sleep. [1]

Despite Medicine ‘Advancements,’ Global Medicine is Making Us Sick

While medical care and medical technologies have improved over the last several decades, research says that our collective overall ‘good health’ has actually decreased in the last 25 years. We may be living longer, but are we really healthier?
Hui Zheng, assistant professor of sociology at Ohio State, points the finger at an ever-burgeoning medical care system throughout the world as part of our collective sickness in a new study.
Zheng and OSU researchers said: