Sibel Edmonds Column

Spiro: “Sibel Edmonds Exposes Exactly What Could Bring Down This Entire Corrupt System!”

Sibel Edmonds & Her Team have been singlehandedly covering The Real Hastert Case at Boiling Frogs Post. As we all know the complicit US media has been doing exactly the opposite: blacking out and censoring the real case together with all directly relevant facts and historical context. I believe we have a choice to make: Do we let them win again by shrugging in disgust and going away?

Corbett Report Update: Hastert Reaches Plea Deal to Cover Up Case

In a move that should surprise absolutely no one, disgraced former House Speaker Dennis Hastert has reached a plea deal to keep the details of his case sealed for good. Given that prosecutors wanted the details under wraps and the Judge donated to Hastert's campaigns on multiple occasions, was there any doubt this would happen?
*Stay tuned to and for more details about the case, what really happened and what it really means.

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