shutting down the government

Are Trump Voters Going To Turn Out To Keep Ryan In The Speaker's Chair In 2018?

Yesterday, Cook's Amy Walter mused aloud whether or not big Republican support for Trump "is going to translate into turn-out and support for the GOP in 2018. You don’t have to go too far back in history to find an example of a president who came to office with backing from a new, enthusiastic group of voters, only to find that those voters failed to consistently show up for the party.

Most Members Of Congress Are Relieved That Another Government Shutdown Has Been Averted-- But Not The Far Right Extremists

North Carolina right-wing ideologue Mark Meadows opposes the bipartisan compromiseLate Sunday night, congressional staffers announced that Democratic and Republican negotiators reached a bipartisan agreement to fund government operations through September to the tune of over a trillion dollars, while igno

Steve Bannon Has Big Plans For Next Weekend-- A 100th Day Government Shut Down

Ryan held a conference call with his members yesterday to assure them that he has no intention of shutting down the government despite what the White House appears to be angling for. He promised not to let his failed TrumpCare bill get in the way. Some Republicans in Congress are worried they'll be blamed by next year's midterm voters if there's a government shutdown. Those worries are not part of Steve Bannon's calculus.

Someone's Got To Jettison The Great Wall of Trump-- Might As Be The GOP

Did you always have the feeling that Trump's campaign ploy-- his absurdly expensive ($20 billion) and ineffective, beautiful wall-- would be a non-starter? If so you were probably correct. Democrats won't vote for anything that includes funds for the nonsense and more and more Republican congressman-- many who oppose the whole idea to begin with-- are not ready for a shut-down-the-government fight over the wall.

Congress Is Back In Session Today: Does Paul Ryan Have A #BetterWay To Shut Down The Government?

Congress is back in town and the first thing up is an intractable Republican-created controversy that, thankfully, doesn't involve-- at least not so far-- El Trumpanzee! Instead of rushing to fund the president's Zika proposals, like they should have a year ago, the GOP immediately started bickering about shutting down the government.

Republicans Can't Pass A Budget Now-- Imagine How Much Worse It Will Get If Trump Or Cruz Is The Nominee!

In theory, when Miss McConnell and Senate Budget Committee chair Mike Enzi (R-WY) get bogged down trying to get a budget through the Senate, they can blame Bernie, at least in the Budget Committee-- he's the Ranking Democrat-- and Democratic Senate leaders Harry Reid, Dick Durbin and Chuck Schumer.

The Hastert Case Isn't Just About Him Raping A Handful Of Underage Boys-- Is It Bigger Than Watergate?

On the day the House was bidding a fond adieu to one corrupt Speaker, the corrupt Republican who played Speaker before Boehner, Denny Hastert, pleaded guilty to one carefully constructed charge of "structuring," evading reporting requirements in connection to a multimillion dollar blackmail scheme.