shutting down the government

Shutting Down The Government Is Now A Game Of Chicken For Trumpanzee

A friend of mine used to be in business with one of Trump's lawyers. He told my friend and my friend told me a funny story. Lawyers hate working for Trump and not only because he doesn't pay his bill. This particular lawyer told him that among lawyers who have worked for Trump this is fairly common. He and Trump would be their way to court.

Trump’s Psychopathology and the Government Shutdown

-by Helen KleinWhat is becoming increasingly clear is that despite Dr. Ronny Jackson’s gushing superlatives about Trump’s clean bill of health that extend beyond the physical, Trump’s personality make up and his mental/cognitive functioning are dead center in this shutdown mess. All arrows point to Trump. Now that the Republicans have hit a wall with Trump during the negotiations, even they are being forced to recognize his impairments in judgment and decision making, although of course they won’t do anything about it.

Chris Christie Is No Day At The Beach

-by NoahMost of us, at one time or another, have had that one uber-obnoxious family that lived next door or right down the street. Their arrogance, self-proclaimed entitlement, and, loudmouth screaming boorishness is legendary in the neighborhood. Such families are known for acting like a pack of untrainable chimps or dogs that, may wear some human clothing, but lack any knowledge about how to live and behave in a human community.