
(VIDEO) Yemen’s Forgotten People in a Forgotten War

21st Century Wire says…
As the Syrian Army and its Russian partners gradually regain control of the disaster created by Washington and its NATO and GCC allies in Syria, the western media is slowly coming around to realize 12 months late (but better late than never) that Saudi Arabia has been pounding its neighbor Yemen, and killing and maiming many innocent people in the process.

SHOUT! POLL: Is the U.S. helping or hindering the fight against ISIS?

21st Century Wire
HAVE YOUR SHOUT: The western foreign policy agenda when it comes to Syria and ISIS is a tangled mess. With a seemingly unlimited supply of military and diplomatic resources, one would expect better results. We ask our readers if the U.S. is helping or hindering the fight against ISIS.
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DOUBLE AGENDA: US State Dept Fails to Say If ISIS Must Be Pushed From Palmyra, or Not

21st Century Wire says…
Here is a good example of how tangled the western foreign policy agenda is when it comes to Syria and ISIS.
Faced with the reality that they have been backing a losing side in Syria for the past 6 years, a confused Washington DC still clings to old public relations tagline like, ‘Assad Must Go’, and still push out the idea that somehow the government in Damascus is more dangerous than a known terrorist petulance like ISIS.

Henningsen on Trump Rally Fervor: ‘Political Relativism Has Descended on America’

21st Century Wire says…
Regarding the latest ‘Trump outrage’, it’s taken a while for the media to catch-up and analyze what’s happened in recent days and why.
Watch this segment that aired live over the weekend this past Saturday, where 21WIRE editor Patrick Henningsen spoke with RT International about the may lay at GOP front runner Donald Trump’s rally in Chicago on Friday night.
There’s plenty of fervor to go around…