Shinzo Abe

The great Japanese bounce-back?

There are fears that the standoff between North Korea and the US could rattle Asian markets and derail Japan’s revitalized economy [Xinhua]
If Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is feeling smug about economic policy right now, he’s got the figures to back him up.
Second quarter GDP growth jumped a full 1.0 per cent in Q2 of the year to reach an annualized 4 per cent, a coup for his policies of raising value added taxes to boost income and stimulate the market.
The latest data beat forecasts of a gain of 0.6 per cent in Q2.

PUTIN: Master statesman with Turkey and Japan – and now Trump

Over the years, Russia has fought more wars against Turkey than any other country, even more than Poland. Likewise, between 1904 and 1905 Russia fought a war with Japan whose devastating outcome for Russia lead to a destabilising revolution at home. Russia’s relations with Japan did not get much better as the century rolled on. The Soviet Union was on the opposite side of the Second World War vis-a-vis Japan and territorial disputes over the Kuril Islands remain unresolved into the 21st century.

PUTIN MEETS MOON: Russia calls for calm and rational approach to Korean issues

Vladimir Putin’s marathon of meetings with world leaders continues as he sat down with South Korea’s President  Moon Jae-in. Moon is generally considered a far more peace minded South Korean leader than his disgraced and subsequently impeached predecessor Park Geun-hye.
Speaking beside Moon, Putin said,

“The North Korean nuclear program is a very acute problem, but we must act carefully and pragmatically, and we must keep cool heads”.