Shinzo Abe

Abe, Putin discuss upgrading economic activity on Kurils

A peace treaty, including resolution of the Kuril Islands dispute, has eluded both countries [Image: PPIO]
Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Saturday that finalizing a peace treaty with Japan would be in the best interests of both countries.
His statement came shortly after meeting with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe who is in St Petersburg. Russia to attend the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF) but flew to Moscow to meet with the Russian president.

Russia attracts BIG investment despite sanctions and Western attempts to isolate

Western media would have you believe that Russia is an underdeveloped nation with a wretched standard of living. They advance the perception that it is a country that has never recovered from the collapse of the Soviet Union.
They would also want you to believe that Russia is suffering under the heavy burden of Western imposed sanctions that have brought Russia to her knees as a result of isolation, which couldn’t be further from reality.

Japan Won’t Move Embassy From Tel Aviv to Jerusalem

(MEMO) — Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said Tuesday his country has no plans to move its embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, according to Palestine’s official news agency. The statement came during Abe’s official meeting with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas in Ramallah, WAFA reported. The Japanese leader affirmed his country’s support for a political process based […]

5 reasons Japan’s Shinzo Abe needs his meeting with Donald Trump to go well

With a historic summit between the North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, and the South Korean president Moon Jae-in, less than two weeks away, followed by a possible summit between Kim and Donald Trump – Japan has found itself left out of diplomatic circles amid scandals at home.
Abe’s popularity among Japanese hit an all-time low after two allegations of cronyism connected to the PM surfaced, including a discounted sale of public land that had links to his wife.