Sherrod Brown

Should Progressives Play "All or Nothing" With the End-of-Year "Tax Extenders"? Yes.

The very very richby Gaius Publius I wrote recently about the lame-duck battle-- behind the scenes and in the press-- being waged over end-of-year "tax extenders." I offered a progressive strategy (repeated below) for maximizing the number of "good" tax credits that would be extended ("renewed"), like credits for renewable energy and expiring-in 2017 expansions of the Earned Income Tax Credit

Wall Street Gets Even More Demanding Of Their Congressional Puppets

Remember the old days when all Wall Street demanded personnel-wise was that they always get to name the Treasury Secretary? Well, a few weeks ago we found out that now they're demanding that they get another Wall Street whore as DCCC chair when Israel shuffles off into oblivion; their candidate is Jim Himes (New Dem-CT).

Water, Water Everywhere-- And An Obstructionist Senate Who Won't Allow It To Be Cleaned Up

This morning I was going over the Senate votes from Tuesday and I found a strange one. The Republicans successfully filibustered an amendment by Bernie Sanders to Boxer's Water Resources Development Act of 2013, which is co-sponsored by Louisiana Republican David Vitter. And in fact, Vitter was one of just 3 Republicans who broke with Miss McConnell's filibuster machine on Sanders' amendment.