Sheldon Silver

Ohio's House Speaker Just Got Caught In A $60 Million Bribery Scam But His Backward District Is So Right Wing That He Would Win Again If He Could Run From Prison

One Ohio legislator told me that watching Householder shovel food into his maw was one of the most disgusting sights she had ever experiencedIt's not nice to call anyone a putrid bag of shit. But Sheldon Silver is a putrid bag of shit. I couldn't cover up the stink if I tried. And we've never tried.

Sheldon Silver Is Going To Prison For Taking Bribes And Kickbacks-- Do You Think He's Any More Corrupt Than, Say, Chuck Schumer?

The gang's all here: Silver, Rangel, Clinton, Paterson, SchumerIf you read any of the pre-trial coverage of Sheldon Silver's corruption case, it will come as no surprise to you that spontaneous festivities broke out up and down the halls at DWT when he was f

The Stink Of Corruption In New York This Month Is Very Much Bipartisan

3 New York crooks-- 2 going on trial and the one in the middle on Hillary's Leadership CouncilSheldon Silver is from the Lower East Side; his Assembly district-- first won in 1976-- includes the world's worst cesspool of corruption, Wall Street. He became Assembly Speaker early in 1994 while Mario Cuomo was governor.

Maybe "Smelly Shelly" Silver is answerable to the laws we have after all: Part 2, Laws? What laws?

Just what connection do I see between Smelly Shelly and "Moneybags Mikey" Khodorkovsky?Man with a microphone (but is anyone listening?): Ex-oligarch, ex-convict Mikhail Khodorkovsky "has grandly declared that he would guarantee Putin's safety if he left power peacefully."by KenLast night, in Part 1 of this two-part "Maybe 'Smelly Shelly' Silver is answerable to the laws we have after all" seri

Maybe "Smelly Shelly" Silver is answerable to the laws we have after all: Part 1, The indictment

He used to be such an important person, not just respected but feared. Now the feds are sitting on nearly $4 million of his moolah, he's facing real prison time, and he's got some Internet clown calling him "Smelly Shelly."by KenSo much for the hopes of former NYS Assembly Speaker "Smelly Shelly" Silver to wriggle out from under the heap of hurt piled on him last month by U.S.

Andrew Cuomo thinks pols are either talkers or doers -- guess which he thinks he is

The New Yorker caption for this picture is: "At close range, the Governor is a formidable presence. His speech comes in aggressive, self-confident bursts, especially when he's sizing up the state of political play, and he is relentless." I thought this was kind of funny, because just looking at the picture, I thought of some tacky horror-movie KenIt's about as old an argument as there is in the field of government: compromising to get stuff done vs.

While pondering the legal mess surrounding NYS Assembly Speaker "Smelly Shelly" Silver, Jeffrey Toobin offers us a "war story" from yesteryear (with update: Bye-bye, Shelly)

UPDATE: Smelly Shelly gets the heave-hoIt appears that Assembly Dems used the day off they scheduled for themselves yesterday -- free from GOP interference that might have occurred if the Assembly had been in session -- to reach agreement on the future of their embattled leader. Wednesday morning DNAinfo New York's Jeff Mays reports: