
Ortodox muslim förlöjligar vänstern

”Den muslim som säger att han verkligen tror på Miljöpartiets partiprogram är antingen en lögnare som ägnar sig åt taqiyya (förljugenhet) eller så är hans tro (iman) i farozonen.”Källa: höjdpunkter på sidan är följande: ”Eftersom många imamer och lärda är ekonomiskt beroende av bidrag och söker politiska allierade (muslimer eller icke-muslimer) så höjer de inte rösten mot vänste

Free Ashraf Fayadh

“We, poets from around the world, are appalled that the Saudi Arabian authorities have sentenced Palestinian poet Ashraf Fayadh to death for apostasy. It is not a crime to hold an idea, however unpopular, nor is it a crime to express opinion peacefully. Every individual has the freedom to believe or not believe. Freedom of conscience is an essential human freedom.” PEN International letter signed by a group of poets in an expression of solidarity with Ashraf Fayadh.

Counteracting ‘Daesh’: Lessons from Paris

As Baghdad reels from a wave of suicide bombings claimed by Islamist extremists which have killed and wounded over 400 in the past week, there are lessons to be learned from how the media deals with these terror attacks – whether they are in the Middle East or in the heart of Europe.
Semantics and social media narratives are crucial battlegrounds in the war against terrorism.

The Republican Sharia Law Fantasies: It’s Republican World! 2015 In Review-- Chapter Eleven

by NoahMost Republicans I know about like to whine about Muslim Sharia Law taking over our country. In the Republican mind, it goes hand in hand with their imagined Obama-led "War On Christianity" that I posted about yesterday. The Sharia Law threat is one of their favorite and most paranoid theme songs. They’ve been singing this one (very off key) since the man they like to call Barack Hussein Obama won election and moved into the White House. They see Muslims coming to this country as some sort of conspiracy to install a theocracy.

Sharia concerns are baseless

By Jamal Kanj
Lagging in the polls, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump came from behind ranting Mexican migrants. Trump exploited a real topical complex issue to mobilise the White Republican base and rode to the top of the ticket deriding Mexicans.
Ben Carson was however more inventive. He created a fictitious candidate to rally the same delusional crowd. Carson declared that the Muslim faith could disqualify a person from being a US president.

The Confusion in Understanding Political Islam

The problem with most writings on the conflict in the Muslim world today revolves around two facts. Firstly, it is almost impossible to find Muslim writers who have enough objectivity to present faithfully what is happening to enable the reader to make his own conclusion. Secondly, and invariably, the best of the Orientalists lack a true understanding of political Islam. It is not surprising in view of the above two facts that people in the world find it difficult to follow and understand what is happening in the Muslim/Arab world today.