Shaniyat Chowdhury

Guess What! There's More Behind Bernie's College Loan Debt Forgiveness Than Pre-Debate Positioning

The work that Bernie’s economic advisor, Stephanie Kelton, chair of the Stony Brooks economic department, did for Bernie on student debt cancellation last year— along with 3 colleagues— The Macroeconomic Effects of Student Debt Cancellation is probably too much to expect political journalists to read and grasp… so it’s a lot easier to go along with a narrative about Bernie competing with Elizabeth

Beto's Not The Only Politician Who Draws Inspiration From Music

I had such a nice response to the post Thursday night about how The Clash-- and specifically The Clampdown from London Calling influenced Beto's life that I decided to ask other political leaders if music was important to them or if they had any favorite artists or songs or albums. Beto still uses "The Clampdown" when he walks out on the stage at his events and... well, just watch this.

How About A Socialist Rugby Player For Congress?

Shaniyat Chowdhury-- everyone calls him ShawnBack in February, we spoke with a number of young progressives in the New York area who were inspired by AOC's successful challenge to political machine hack (now lobbyist) Joe Crowley and were considering running for Congress. One was Khaair Morrison, who looked like he was serious about engaging with Crowley successor as Queens Democratic Party boss, Gregory Meeks.