Shahid Buttar

DCCC Plan To Destroy Progressive Campaigns Fails Miserably As Cheri Bustos' Favorite Blue Dog Goes Down To Defeat

On Tuesday, the primary in Illinois' third congressional showed the failure of Cheri Bustos' toxic plan to defeat progressive challenges to Blue Dog incumbents who are out of sync with their constituents. Anti-Choice, anti-healthcare, homophobic, anti-immigrant conservative Blue Dog/New Dem Dan Lipinski was beaten by progressive candidate Marie Newman.

There Really Is A Lot More To 2020 Than Just Electing A President

Brianna Wu sent this homemade kitchen video out to her supporters acknowledging that many of us felt discouraged on Wednesday morning after the Super Tuesday results in some states-- like Massachusetts, where she lives. "But," she wrote, "I'm also optimistic about what we can achieve. Fighting for progressive values means a lot more than just winning the Oval Office.

Bernie And Biden Are Getting Significantly Different Types Of Endorsements

If I were Status Quo Joe, I'd be embarrassed to admit I was endorsed by California New Dem Ami Bera, a member of Congress so toxic that the California Democratic Party decided to not back him for reelection. After all, caught in an illegal campaign finance scheme, he let his elderly father take the rap and go to prison in his place! In fact, when you go through the list of members who've endorsed Biden, most are embarrassing-- Blue Dogs and New Dems from the Republican wing of the Democratic Party.

Republicans Want You To Die Quickly-- Wouldn't It Be Nice If The Democratic Party United Firmly Behind An Alternative?

Yesterday, AOC sent her followers a note: Just months ago, the official campaign arm of House Democrats (the DCCC) announced that they would blacklist anyone who worked on a primary challenger’s campaign. That’s made it much harder for progressive challengers to get the resources, staff, and tools they need to win. It’s clear that we need our own support system on the progressive side of the party.

Who Would Have Ever Imagined That Nancy Pelosi Would Go Down In History As One Of The Worst Speakers Ever-- If She Resigned Tomorrow It Would Not Be Soon Enough

According to strange #NeverTrump Republican Andrew Sullivan, in his New York Magazine column Friday, many voters who are not Democrats may have "voted for the Democrats last fall because we wanted a serious check on President Trump’s intensifying authoritarianism.

Washington Politics-- Hopelessly Broken?

In his State of the Union interview Sunday with Jake Tapper, Justin Amash (I-MI), Amash was steadfast in his position that it isn't Trump-- who he obviously detests-- that caused him to leaved the GOP but Congress itself. He told Tapper he had made the decision to leave the party before he called for Congress to begin the impeachment process and before Mueller issued his report. While Tapper kept trying to get him to say something negative about Trump, Amash wanted to make the point that he "had concerns with the Republican Party for several years.

Pelosi Promised If She Won A Majority, She Would Lower Drug Prices-- So What's The Hold Up?

The problem: Pallone and PelosiBack in January, when the new Democratic majority began taking over the reins of power in Congress, there was a hopeful spate of reports on drug prices-- like this one by Maureen Groppe in USA Today: Democrats examine drug prices, a first step in Congress' path t

And This Year's Profile In Courage Award Goes To... Nancy Pelosi?????

This morning, Mitt Romney told Jake Tapper on CNN that he doesn't feel the Senate is ready to remove Trump but that Justin Amash was courageous when he called for Trump's impeachment. "I respect him. I think it’s a courageous statement. But I believe that to make a case for obstruction of justice, you just don’t have the elements that are evidenced in this document... The American people just aren’t there. And I think those who are considering impeachment also have to look at the jury, which would be the Senate.