Seymour Hersh

Putin Blues

Heavy darkness befalls the North; the sun rarely emerges from between the clouds. This year, Russia has noticeably less street illumination, and the spirits are anything but festive. Only the whiteness of the snow and Christmas trees break the gloom and remind us of the forthcoming low point of the cosmic wheel, Yuletide, when days starts to wax and nights to wane. As this stellar event foretells the Nativity of our Savior, this is a period of hope after a very difficult year, all over the world.
Putin supporters are unhappy

Exposing Faux Capitalism with Jason Erb: May 16, 2015

On the May 16, 2015 episode of Exposing Faux Capitalism, I covered the following issues: Seymour Hersh’s limited hangout article about bin Laden’s alleged 2011 killing, and Canada’s government threatens hate crime charges against organizations boycotting Israel. Correction: I mentioned in the show that the Asper family owned the National Post, but ownership changed in […]

LIONEL PODCAST: The Preposterous Farrago of Myth, Propaganda and Fantasy of UBL’s Capture and Dispatch

A farrago of nonsense. Behold the American exceptionalism meme, front and center. A Jerry Bruckheimer Production, if I’ve ever seen one. (And he’s been consulted in the past, as you well know. remember the Jessica Lynch saga?) Well, when it comes to the official narrative of dispatching UBL, it appears there’s another turd in the proverbial narrative punchbowl.