Seymour Hersh

CIA, Media & The Mind-Controlled Opposition

In this edition of Probable Cause Newsbud Founder and Editor Sibel Edmonds is joined by Douglas Valentine, author of several non-fiction books, one novel, and one volume of poetry. He has lectured and appeared on TV and radio talk shows, testified as an expert witness, served as a documentary film consultant and worked as a private investigator. His most recent book is The CIA as Organized Crime: How Illegal Operations Corrupt America and the World.  Edmonds and Valentine discuss the influence and operations of the CIA abroad and domestically, while controlling the Media.

The Real-Life House of Cards: Insider Deals, Murder & Espionage- The Clintons, Seth Rich & Awans!’

Follow the saga of the Clintons in this unique time line, starting with the race for the White House with all of the major scandals leading up to the present day, including Russia Gate, Seth Rich, the Awan Brothers, and much more - only available at
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