
What is really radical in sex/gender politics?

The political left, and much of mainstream feminism, is characterized by an analysis of how systems and institutions shape our choices, a critique of capitalist media, and a commitment to a scientific/materialist worldview. But when faced with radical feminism’s compelling critiques of patriarchy, leftists and many feminists routinely abandon those principles. Radical feminist critiques of prostitution, pornography, and transgender ideology[Read More...]

Western ‘Political Correctness’ Does Not Make All People Equal

In the West, there is a new wave of political correctness at work: it is all about one’s sexual orientation; who has sex with whom, and how.Suddenly, the mass media in London, Paris and New York is greatly concerned about who has the right to change his or her sex, and who does not want to belong to any ‘traditional’[Read More...]

A Dialectical Materialist Response to The Discovery That There is no “Gay Gene”

Marx’s dialectical materialist philosophy rests on the axiom that humans have needs and desires the satisfaction of which exist outside themselves.  Thus, humans must ‘go over’ into an “other” to find self satisfaction.. That “other” is on the one hand, nature, and on the other hand, others of their species.  Because, according to Marx, man is by nature a social[Read More...]

Birth of an era for the LGBTIQ community in India

Background LGBTIQ community has been one of the marginalized communities in the world history that has been suffering from disgrace and exclusionfor a long time. There are around 70 countries where members from the LGBTIQ community are criminalized because of which they are not able to participate in the development of their country. These acts have resulted in several protests[Read More...]

E. Michael Jones - Controlling The Masses: Sexual Revolution & The Role of Swedish Cinema - Hour 1

Author E. Michael Jones and editor of joins Henrik to discuss his books Libido Dominandi, The Slaughter of Cities & The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit. We being speaking about Pastor Anderson who recently was banned from entering Ireland. Religious freedom is diminishing and censorship is increasing in the “free” and “open” West. We dissect who is behind it and why it's being done.

Donald Trump, Ann Coulter, and the Culture of Hysteria

As the establishment’s coup d’etat against the democratically elected government of Donald Trump gathers momentum, readers are invited to read Ann Coulter’s latest book (Resistance Is Futile: How The Trump-Hating Left Lost Its Collective Mind), which the author says is a “self-help book for liberals,” though their hysteria about Trump will insure that few of them read it.

The Damaging Asian Male Sexuality in Crazy Rich Asians and Why It is Not Asian Black Panther

Crazy Rich Asians has already been compared by reviewers criticizing it for its exaltation of late-stage capitalism to The Great Gatsby. It is a good comparison because it is true. We know enough by now that if you throw a Gatsby-themed Jazz Age wedding, the joke’s on you—you clearly have not read the book, or, having read it, did not understand it. The same applies to the misguided celebration of Crazy Rich Asians as some triumph of representation or diversity if it is to be praised for its satirical quality.