sexual abuse

Aid Workers with Soros-Funded ‘Doctors Without Borders’ Accused of Trading Medicine for Sex

Africa: Whistleblowers reported seeing a senior member of staff in Kenya bringing “very young girls” back to his place, adding that they were prostitutes. Another witness reported hearing a senior aid worker boast it was “so easy” swapping medicinal supplies for sex while stationed in Liberia. The problem is said to lie with senior staffers who may be "too big to fail." [...]

Porkins Policy Radio episode 126 Wayne Madsen and Andrew Kreig on Trump, Epstein, and the Waterbury Connection

Investigative reporters Wayne Madsen and Andrew Kreig join me today to discuss their recent investigation into Donald Trump and Jeffrey Epstein’s 1994 rape of a 12 year old girl name “Maria.” We begin by talking about the tip that led them to look into this case. We then look into Maria’s hometown of Waterbury, Connecticut and the circumstances surrounding her abduction outside of Nash’s Pizzeria. Wayne and Andrew discuss Waterbury’s history of covering up sexual abuse scandals.

Franken Goes Down

I find Al Franken’s greatest transgression to be his vote as a super-delegate (in the Dems’ July 2016 national convention) for H. Clinton (and thus for Wall Street and the neocons), instead of Bernie Sanders, who was favored by the voters of Franken’s state (Minnesota) in their Democratic Primary. When questioned about it he arrogantly stated that he knew better than the voters he was supposed to represent. This was an anti-democratic transgression, a misuse of power he had over the regular citizens.

The Ochelli Effect: Uncertainty Equation Bitcoin Greasy Trump

In the first hour of Tuesday night Ochelli Effect Chuck and the author of “The War State” Mike Swanson wander through the impressions gathered by two people far outside the craze that is currently Bitcoin Mania. How is this current trend like other trends in the past? How is it something completely different? this is just the opener of the conversation that might be a new trend in presentations on a Tuesday.

A City on a Hill, or The Weinstein Effect

Freed from the sublimated form which was the very token of its irreconcilable dreams—a form which is the style, the language in which the story is told—sexuality turns into a vehicle for the bestsellers of oppression.

— Herbert Marcuse, One Dimensional Man, 1964

I see it all perfectly; there are two possible situations — one can either do this or that. My honest opinion and my friendly advice is this: do it or do not do it — you will regret both.
— Søren Kierkegaard, Either/Or, 1843

Good Guys and Bad Guys

I am not as abusive as Harvey Weinstein, nor as narcissistic as Bill O’Reilly. I’m more respectful to women than Donald Trump, and not as sleazy as Anthony Weiner.
Judged by the standards set by these public reprobates, most of the rest of us men appear almost saintly, and therein lies a danger. The public disclosure of these men’s behavior—from the routinely offensive to the occasionally criminal—is a good thing, and all those who have been harassed and raped should continue to speak out.