sex slavery

Saudi Princess Reveals Elites Participate in Sex and Sex Slavery with Underage Girls

Saudi Princess Aidan,confided to French newspaper, LeMonde, that the ruling House of Saud secretly engages in sexual slavery, in addition to buying or renting children for sex from impoverished areas in Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, the Philippines, Djibouti, Somalia, Nigeria, Romania, and Bulgaria. Princess Aidan is the ex-wife of the Saudi Prince, Al Waleed bin Talal, who recently was arrested in the anti-corruption purges in the country. She said those who accuse others of corruption and money laundering are in fact highly corrupted themselves.

Sex Slavery, ISIS & Illegal Arms Trade: Libya Plunged Into Failed State After US invasion

A rebel sniper from Misrata fires towards ISIS militant positions in Sirte, Libya, Wednesday, Sept. 21, 2016.
Today’s Libya is virtually unrecognizable from the Libya of years past. Following the violent ouster of former Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi in 2011, things have taken a turn for the worse as the north African nation declines further into failure.