Sex Change Surgery

The Horrors of Transitioning! Gender Transition Surgery: Dreams Turned to Nightmares

While young people are considered too immature to get a full, unrestricted driver’s license until age 18, “gender-affirming” sex hormone therapy can begin as early as 14; girls who want to become boys can get a double-mastectomy at the age of 15; and full sex reassignment surgery is available at age 17 or 18.

Transgenders Allowed to Join Military Eligible for Free Sex-Change Surgery

Allowing transgenders to join the military is contrary to a directive from the Commander-in-Chief President Trump. The Trump administration appealed Judge Kollar-Kitelly’s decision but was rejected. Few transgenders can afford the $100,000 sex-change surgery. Making it free in the military is an incentive for transgenders to enlist. Because of this, the military eventually may have the highest proportion of transgenders of any 'professional' group in the country.