Sergev Lavrov

SYRIA: cautious optimism among locals in regions covered by Russia-US-Jordan ceasefire

Just over 24 hours have passed since the ceasefire agreed and guaranteed by Russia the US and Jordan went into effect in south western Syria. RT spoke with locals in Quneitra Governorate who expressed a cautious optimism about the deal.
One man stated,

“We hope the truce will hold and peace will finally come to the whole of Syria. We here – in Khan Arnabah – are sitting together. It’s been a long time since we sat together like this.
But one cannot trust terrorists – they сan violate the truce every hour and every second”.

Vladimir Putin calls allegations Trump passed secrets to Russian FM Lavrov ‘political schizophrenia’

Russian President Vladimir Putin was speaking with the Italian Prime Minister in the Russian resort city of Sochi when he was asked about the latest events in the United States.
The Russian President said of the outlandish claims,
“We are seeing in the US a developing political schizophrenia.
There is no other way I can explain the accusations against the acting US president that he gave away some secrets to Lavrov”.
He further said, “those who spread them (rumours) are either stupid or dangerous”.