
Blue America Trucks To Roll Across California

Blue Dog Jim Costa voted with the GOP to pay for TPP with cuts to MedicareBig Business/Wall Street-oriented conservatives in California from both parties voted to fast-track the job-killing TPP last week. All of California's Republicans and most of the state's Blue Dogs and New Dems voted badly on the package of bills. So did a couple of normal Democrats-- Sam Farr, Anna Eshoo and Karen Bass. Most California congressmembers voted against the trade deal.

Syria: Alan Grayson vs Buck McKeon

Buck McKeon, Alan GraysonGrayson (D-FL), a relatively junior member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, has led the battle to keep the U.S. out of another pointless war in the Middle East. Although the Establishment is furious at him-- and looking for pay-back-- Orlando, and Americans everywhere, should be very proud of what he has accomplished on our behalf. Buck McKeon (R-CA) is the polar opposite.

How Democratic Candidates Should Respond To Irresponsible GOP Threats To Throw The U.S. Into Default

You've probably seen a parade of Republican clowns wooing teabaggers by insisting that the government be sent into bankruptcy unless Obama agrees to defund the Affordable Care Act. That's all their irresponsible-- and/or delusional playing for the cameras. Most of the noise has been coming from far right Confederates in all white gerrymandered districts. But Wednesday Tom McClintock was up to the same trick in California. Watch him up top. His district is very safe-- with a PVI of R+10.

This Post Is Only For Californians-- Unless You Also Live In A State That Gets Wildfires

It's wildfire weather in L.A.-- temperatures in the 90s and very dry. There are plenty of reasons to be angry about the irresponsibility of Members of Congress who voted for the Sequester-- and inconvenience at airports is the least of them. The possibility of losing homes and lives to wildfires is far more serious. Monday Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack, who's in charge of the U.S.