Explaining the Discrepancies Between Hausfather et al. (2019) and Lewis&Curry (2018)
by Ross McKitrick
Challenging the claim that a large set of climate model runs published since 1970’s are consistent with observations for the right reasons.
by Ross McKitrick
Challenging the claim that a large set of climate model runs published since 1970’s are consistent with observations for the right reasons.
by Judith Curry
Is 3 C warming over the 21st century now the ‘best estimate’? A reframing of how we think about climate change over the 21st century, and my arguments for 1 C.
By Nic Lewis
A comment on LC18 (recent paper by Lewis and Curry on climate sensitivity) by Cowtan and Jacobs has been published, along with our response.
by Judith Curry
Are values of equilibrium climate sensitivity > 4.5 C plausible?
by Judith Curry
An insightful interview with Bjorn Stevens.
by Alberto Zaragoza Comendador
How sensitive is the Earth’s climate to greenhouse gases? Speaking about carbon dioxide in particular, how much would air temperatures increase if we doubled atmospheric concentrations of said gas?
by Frank Bosse
A demonstration that multidecadal variation since 1950 leads to overestimation of the Transient Climate Response (TCR).