Senate impeachment trial

Donald Trump Second Impeachment: Innocent, But The Reprehensible Democrat GUILTY Of Lies, Hate, And Incitement Of Violence

Is there no low that the Democrats won’t stoop to? Clips by the Trump defense team show that the Democrats manufactured the impeachment evidence to lie for political gain.  Who should be on trial? The Democrats for committing every crime that they accuse others of!  Democrats lie, they desecrate the constitution, due process, democracy, the […]

Rod Rosenstein the lovebird leaker. Senate impeachment circus begins (Video)

The Duran’s Alex Christoforou and Editor-in-Chief Alexander Mercouris discuss the beginning of the impeachment trial in the U.S. Senate. Will we get a fair and real trial. will we see Hunter Biden testify, or will the Republican in the U.S. Senate move to dismiss impeachment process and end the Pelosi charade.
Meanwhile, former Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein has admitted to giving the text messages of FBI employees Peter Strzok and Lisa Page to the press in 2017.