Senate 2020

Many Republican Candidates Are Paralyzed With Fear-- Fear Of Normal Voters On The One Hand And Fear Of Trump And His Element On The Other

  Trump isn't dead yet and hasn't used his COVID diagnosis as an excuse for backing out of the race. He insists otherwise, but he was hurt badly by Tuesday's debate. This is very typical post-debate polling coverage: "Trump hurt himself more than his rival with Tuesday night's theatrics in what's been called the worst U.S.

How Many Republican Senators Will Lose Voters Over Amy Coney Barrett

  A few days ago, writing for The Atlantic, Peter Nicholas noted that by moving forward so rapidly with the Supreme Court confirmation of a hardcore extremist like Amy Coney Barrett, Donald is "giving lawmakers little space to carve out an independent identity that could help them win reelection... [He] demands loyalty, but isn’t so quick to return it. Republican members of Congress have passed his bills, rationalized his behavior, kept him in power.

Will Women-- Including Rural Women-- In Red States Break Away From Their Menfolk On November 3rd And Save The Country From The Authoritarianism The Men Crave?

 New polling by YouGov for The Economist suggests a bigger swing away from Trump in rural America than in the suburbs. The magazine reported that Democrats are doing less badly among rural voters We'll get to that in a second. But first let me give you a little background on Howard County, Iowa (no relation).

Will Schumer And The Senate Democrats Go To The Wall To Stop An Illegitimate SCOTUS Appointment?

 AOC: "We need to make sure that we mobilize on an unprecedented scale to ensure that this vacancy is reserved to the next president, and we must use every tool at our disposal." Early yesterday, Alisyn Camerota hosted Jeffrey Toobin on CNN's New Day and I guarantee you, establishment Democrats did not like what they heard.

A Man Is Only As Good As His Word? So How Do Closet Cases, Like Lindsey Graham Survive In Electoral Politics?

 I'm gay. When I realized it, I was living in Amsterdam. I went to a psychologist and told him. He looked at me oddly and said, basically, "So? You need me to give you the addresses of gay bars?" Then I flew to the U.S., for my first visit back home in 4 years, to tell my mother. Her response was to tell me I couldn't borrow her wigs. Years later my first corporate job was working for a gay man.

A Wyoming Democrat Campaigning For Senate on A Platform That Includes Keeping Public Lands In Public Hands

Merav Ben-David isn't a typical Wyoming name. She was born in Israel, grew up on a farm, served in the Israeli Air Force, and earned a PhD in Wildlife Management in Alaska. Today's she's probably best known for two things. It was her research on the effects of the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill in Prince William Sound that was used to force Exxon pay up in the 90s and then used to force British Petroleum to pay up in a decade later.