Senate 2018

Will Mainers Remember In 2020? Perhaps Justice Kavanaugh Will Remind Then Now And Then

Ted Cruz never hesitated or thought twice about his vote for Brett Kavanaugh. He fund-raised off it. It's who he is, who he's always been and will always be. Yesterday, after the 50-48 vote roll call, Beto send a note to Texas voters saying, clearly: "Today, the Senate voted on the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to the U.S. Supreme Court. If I were in the Senate, I would have voted no.

Sure Vote For Sinema, But Do So With Eyes Wide Open

An old friend just reached out to me and asked me if it was ok to contribute through the DSCC because he wanted to help Beto and Kyrsten O'Rourke. My advice was to contribute directly to Beto here because giving anything to the DSCC means helping them line the pockets of corrupt, inept consultants and because they don't like Beto anyway.

Yesterday's Polls Today

Not sure what it refers to, but it looks goodThe NY Times/Siena poll showed good news for one of the Blue America candidates. They had Katie Porter with a substantial lead over Trump rubber stamp Mimi Walters, 48% to 43%. Unfortunately, the Times/Siena poll is the least credible polling operation I've seen since Rasumussen and their data is virtually worthless. Still...

Florida's Only Bright Spot In November: Andrew Gillum

NextGen America and For Our Future are two PACs financed by Tom Steyer. They spent $1.4 million dollars in the Florida Democratic gubernatorial primary helping Andrew Gillum overcome huge odds to beat two conservative Democrats, Gwen Graham and Philip Levine. But you ain't seen nothin' yet. Yesterday Steyer told the NY Times that he will spend more money in Florida this fall than in any other state.

Indiana: Lesser Of Two Evils To The Rescue?

Joe Donnelly greets a right-wing rapist Trump wants confirmedThus cycle, I have very mixed emotions when it comes to writing about conservative Democrats. I am fully aware about what kind of damage they do to progressivism by relentlessly pulling the Democratic Party towards the right and usually reject less-of-two-evils politics-- the #1 organizing principle of the 21st century Democratic Party. But, this cycle... Trump.

It's Time For California To Elect An Actual Progressive Leader To The U.S. Senate-- Meet Kevin de León

Please start by watching the two and a half minute video, the first for Kevin de León's Senate campaign. If it feels familiar it's because it was made by the same filmmakers who were responsible for the Randy Bryce video launch that electrified us all. This one is also very powerful, very emotive and compelling-- and uniquely Californian.Blue America specializes in finding great state legislators and helping them become national leaders.

Let Me Make Your Day

The 6 women in this focus group are all from swing states and all voted for Trump. Most would do it again... although half say they are disappointed. They all say they want to use the midterms to "send a message." Take a look. One thing for sure, this sure doesn't sound like part of any wave. But, keep in mind they were all Trump voters in 2016.This morning Axios launched an idea for how they plan to measure the upcoming wave.