Senate 2014

Larry Pressler-- A Relentless Warrior In The Republican War Against Women

It took long enough— and let’s hope it isn’t too little/too late— but Harry Reid and Guy Cecil finally responded to the growing anger, primarily from Democratic senators and donors, and have let the DSCC get to work in South Dakota. Above is their first ad against one of the three Republicans, Mike Rounds (the GOP Establishment favorite), being going up against Rick Weiland. DSCC polling shows its a winnable race.

Two Great American Authors Come Out For Shenna Bellows

Yesterday Marianne Williamson endorsed Shenna Bellows for the U.S. Senate seat occupied by Susan Collins. "We desperately need candidates who carry the banner of new possibilities for America,” she wrote to her supporters, “and we need to support them in every way possible when they appear. Shenna Bellows represents such a banner.

The Idea Of An Independent-Minded South Dakota Senator Is Driving Harry Reid And Mitch McConnell Crazy

Blue America planned to run a 60 second radio spot statewide in South Dakota based on the “Hit The Road, Joop” song (above). But the radio stations refused to take the ad. OK, we’ve faced that in every election cycle. This time we turned to Google. The idea is to get as many South Dakota voters as possible to listen to the song. The deal Google gave us has brought us over 100,000 impressions since October 2 and we only get charged when someone listens to at least 30 seconds of the song.

Washington Post Pays George Will To Write Fantasies: “Bell Might Be Hot On Booker’s Heels”

Jeff Bell and fan clubDisclosure: None of us at DWT are fans of Wall Street whore Cory Booker. That said, we’re probably more grounded in reality than delusional Villager George Will. The last time New Jersey elected a Republican to the U.S. Senate was 1972 when very liberal Republican Clifford Case, first elected in 1954, was reelected to his 4th term. A right-wing anti-tax nut, Jeffrey Bell, beat him in the 1978 Republican primary.

McConnell on China: “You Wake Up One Day And Look Around And You Can’t Find A Communist With A Flashlight”

The Cincinnati Enquirer is the dominant newspaper for northern Kentucky and publishes a Kentucky edition every day. This morning’s Mitch McConnell exposé by Curtis Ellis and Harry Wu isn’t only going to be read by folks in Ohio. And the basic premise that Ellis and Wu are making— that McConnell has enriched himself while in the U.S. Senate through his dealings with Communist China— aren’t new to Kentuckians.