
Do Businessmen Make Good Political Leaders?

Pete Aguilar, Steve Israel's idea of a successful "businessman"All the corrupt, vehemently anti-democracy/anti-grassroots Beltway committees -- on both sides of the partisan divide--revel in self-funders. They live for millionaires candidates, although they tend to refer to them as "businessmen," not multimillionaires. Before I retired and became a full-time blogger, I was a businessman.

Congress Has Too Many Multimillionaires-- Meet Sean Eldridge (DCCC)

With the Republicans threatening to shut the government down if they don't get their way on a laundry list of their pet projects, the richest Democrat in Congress, Virginia Senator Mark Warner, magnanimously offered up a "compromise" Saturday morning: “Democrats are gonna have to give on entitlements." By that he means "let's throw some poor people and seniors under the bus and cut back on Medicare and Social Security." Warner is reported to have a net worth of at least $88.5 million, possibly a g

And... They're Off! Congressional Candidates Are Vacuuming Up Contributions And Corporate Bribes For The 2014 Elections

Electing rich Republicans and New Dems won't help-- quite the contraryRecently I asked a very plausible candidate running for Congress why the DCCC wasn't helping him raise money. He told me that they wanted him to raise $500,000 by himself first and that then they'd revisit the discussion. Do you know enough people in raise $500,000 to run for Congress?

There Are Too Many Damn Multimillionaires In Congress

If you click this, you'll see how the stinking rich liveI go for a hike in the Los Feliz hills everyday. I delight in taking candidates and congressmembers who come to visit me along for the walk. Darcy Burner was smart enough to be wearing tennis shoes. Others have had heels or tassels. That doesn't work as well. That page from Angeleno is about a spa in my neighborhood that charges $10,000 a day to put wealthy fat people through a kind of bootcamp.