self-driving cars

Drinking the Self-driving Car Kool-aid

Recently, a Tesla on autopilot slammed into a parked fire engine at 65 mph. It turns out that there was no malfunction. According to Tesla’s manual:

Traffic-Aware Cruise Control cannot detect all objects and may not brake/decelerate for stationary vehicles, especially in situations when you are driving over 50 mph (80 km/h) and a vehicle you are following moves out of your driving path and a stationary vehicle or object is in front of you instead.

Goodbye DUI: Drinking Alcohol in Self-Driving Cars Could Become Legal

(ANTIMEDIA) Australia — As Anti-Media reported in September, governments around the world are beginning to take measures to accommodate for the rise of electric vehicles. Britain, France, India, and Norway have all set deadlines for when to have zero gas-powered cars on their roads, and China is looking into setting one of its own.

Gas-Powered Cars Will Vanish in 8 Years, Big Oil Will Collapse: Stanford Study

(ANTIMEDIA) In early May, Anti-Media reported on a new study published by a Stanford professor claiming vehicle ownership will drop 80 percent by 2030. That study, as The Telegraph wrote this week, has been making the rounds in environmental circles and in the board rooms of companies with a stake in the fossil fuel game.

Lyft Co-Founder: “Private Car Ownership Will All-But End” in US Cities by 2025

(ANTIMEDIA) John Zimmer, co-founder and president of Lyft, released a 14-page manifesto yesterday describing the ride-sharing company’s “Vision for the Next Ten Years and Beyond.” In it, Zimmer not only predicts that the majority of the company’s vehicles will be driverless within five years, but also asserts that “by 2025, private car ownership will all-but end in major U.S. cities.”