
Florida Gov. DeSantis stands fast against COVID “Passports” – [Video]

The upcoming division of the United States into separate countries is underway. Has anybody considered this as a possibility? There certainly are some factors in play that are really causing Americans to choose a side. One of the latest is the notion of a COVID-19 “Vaccine Passport”, which would restrict one’s movement from place to […]

Democrats go full-on Antichrist as they attack potential Justice for her religion [Video]

This has been said countless times, and it still is amazing that any Christian – any at all – would even give the time of day to voting for a Democrat. Now, given, many Democrats are themselves Christian believers. While this takes a bit of mental sophistry to justify, these Democrats have at least been able up till now to defend their stance, saying that their Party has many anti-Christians in it, but that is not to say that the Party itself is aligned against Christ and his teachings (that is what Christianity really is, isn’t it?)

Winning Delhi Elections – AAP, Gandhi and the Ideology Wars

  What has Gandhi got to do with the recently concluded elections in Delhi? On the face of it nothing. But at another level, the election process, its campaign and its results – all invite us to revisit Gandhi’s stupendous moral-political project of cementing the Hindu-Muslim division with his own blood and his heroic failure. … Continue reading Winning Delhi Elections – AAP, Gandhi and the Ideology Wars →

Ukrainian authorities pressing head of Kiev monastery

The effort spawned by globalists and Ukrainian atheists to spawn a fake Church continues apace, and despite the Ecumenical Patriarch’s October 11th call to the Ukrainian civil and church authorities not to harass or steal Russian Orthodox Church properties, the efforts to do precisely this are magnifying almost by the day. TASS reported on 29 November that Metropolitan Pavel, leader of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra is getting pressure from Ukrainian authorities to comply with their plan (edits and emphases added).