
Freedom of worship under attack by liberals, caught on [Video]

When I was growing up in the US during the 1960’s, 1970’s and 1980’s, one of the prized freedoms we often and repeatedly talked about was the right to pray to God as one understands God, to be free both to go to the church of your church and to be free from going to the national church by requirement. Sure, this led to a pluralistic society, and sure, there are major challenges for each faith group in competition with other such groups and with the predominant secularism in the US, but believers have always had the freedom to pray and worship as they like.

COVID Orthodox Church closures part IV – Concluding thoughts

We hope that this series was helpful in shining some detailed and critical light on the matter of church closures, particularly in the various Eastern Orthodox Christian national churches in the United States and around the world. We looked at the historical precedents in Christianity that show the Church trying tirelessly to help her people.

COVID Church closures Part II – In light of Christian history

In part I of this series, we began to examine the present issue of Church closures in the West – Europe and the United States in particular, in response to the coronavirus pandemic and its accompanying illness, COVID-19. We tried to detach the hysteria and hype from this, and rather than make it a screed about the intrusion of the Dark Side upon the religious Christian right, we wanted to test current events against the following questions:

An excellent way to distinguish between liberals and conservatives [Video]

Dr Steven Turley has emerged in the last couple years as one of the clearest voices in support of “the new nationalism” that appears to be taking shape in many nations all over the world. This rise of nationalism, populism and traditionalism is revealing the real divide between liberals and conservatives in America and around the world. Most significantly leading this charge is the Russian Federation, but many nations are coming on board: The United Kingdom, Hungary, Italy, the United States, Australia, and some signs of interest in antiglobalism in France.

Opinion: Why the world should pay attention to President Trump [Video]

President Trump is a man unleashed. After the dreadfully powerful and public failure of the Compleat Fake Impeachment Inquiry (and Show Trial), Donald Trump did not put his gained political capital in his pocket. He is instead, off and running with a vengeance not seen in modern American politics, certainly not in the fifty some odd years of my lifetime, and possibly not seen in the nation’s history.

Democracy as Majoritarianism

Extract from the Preface of  ‘Hindutva’s Second Coming’ Preface Democracy as Majoritarianism “We can never forget that everything that Hitler did in Germany was ‘legal,’ and everything the Hungarian freedom fighters did was ‘illegal.’ It was ‘illegal’ to aid and comfort a Jew in Hitler’s Germany, but I am sure that if I lived in … Continue reading Democracy as Majoritarianism →

Horrifying New York abortion law marks big Democrat push in US

To some nations in the world, the United States may appear to be overly “conservative” or “backwards” regarding its general position on abortion. Russia, China, Canada, and Australia all allow this practice in generally unrestricted terms. Europeans are generally allowing of first trimester abortions. Social attitudes about the practice vary, with Sweden being the most permissive in terms of attitude, but Russia being the place where a woman is most likely to have had an abortion.