
Trump destroys Buzzfeed “fake news” story in latest Twitterstorm, “Russia has never tried to use leverage over me”

Moments ago Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov described the document/hoax spread around the internet by Buzzfeed, claiming that Russia has “compromising” information on President-elect Donald Trump, as “an attempt to damage our bilateral relations. It is pulp fiction.”
Peskov told Intefax…

Buzzfeed busted spreading fake news about Trump “Golden Showers” in a Moscow hotel

Fake news published by the main stream media has reached peak perversion.
Listicle, gossip site, Buzzfeed, kicked off, what has become a media firestorm with a story claiming that Donald Trump is being blackmailed by Russia, with evidence that the President-elect hired prostitutes to urinate on a Moscow Ritz Carlton Hotel bed that Obama once slept in.
Not a joke! CNN picked up on the story…

Senators plan to sabotage Donald Trump by passing Russian sanctions

Whilst US President Obama in the last weeks of his Presidency churns out ever more sanctions against Russia, a group of 10 US Senators including five Republicans is said to be preparing to codify some of Obama’s Ukraine related sanctions into law.
Obama’s sanctions were made by Executive Order so without a formal law passed by Congress Trump as President can simply cancel them with the stroke of a pen.

MMA fights back against Meryl Streep and her ignorant remarks about football and Mixed Martial Arts

If you thought Meryl Streep only offended President-elect Donald Trump during her Golden Globes speech, think again.
In what may very well be the most condescending, egotistical speech from a pampered Hollywood elitist to date, Meryl Streep took an obvious swipe at the “deplorables” of America who love their football and Mixed Martial Arts (MMA).