Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare

007 Revelation of the Method

The use of the Revelation of the Method for inducing compliance and docility in subject populationsWho is actually behind global terrorism? The terrorists themselves reveal it. This is a 14 second video of a room where a movie is playing on a TV set. On the TV set the 007 character in the movie can be seen to state to the leader of the Cryptocracy that the leader is behind terrorism in cities in order to convince governments to join a global, all-seeing intelligence network paid for by the Cryptocracy.

International Monetary Fund and the Making Manifest of What is Hidden

“Drop the zero, seven"By Michael Hoffman Copyright©2014www.revisionisthistory.orgOn January 15, 2014, Christine Lagarde, the head of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) gave a speech at the National Press Club in Washington D.C., following the IMF’s annual review of the US economy. (Lagarde has held several ministerial portfolios in France, including Finance, Agriculture, Commerce and Industry. She was also chairman of the international law firm, Baker & McKenzie.