Second Amendment

Court Rejects Seattle Police Claims That De-escalation Policy Violates Their Rights

A federal appeals court rejected claims from about 125 Seattle police officers that a consent decree or “use of force” policy violates their Second Amendment rights to use firearms for “self-defense.”
Previously, a district court ruled against the complaint filed by officers against the Seattle Police Department, the city of Seattle, and Justice Department. It determined the “use of force” policy, which was developed after the United States government brought a civil action against the city of Seattle, was constitutional.

Gun Control: How To Solve The Second Amendment

A Colt M4 rifle and a button that reads “I Vote – Proud Washington Gun Owner.”
OPINION — In my lifetime ‘gun control’ has become as explosive as any political issue in this country can be. To my mind, all we need to do to settle that issue once and for all is to read the Second Amendment and do what it says.
Here it is: “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

Britain needs a Second Amendment–Britain needs legal gun ownership

The current and possibly outgoing British Prime Minister thinks that old fashioned East German style censorship will somehow prevent terrorism.
This ludicrous and counter productive proposal has been thoroughly picked apart by The Duran.
READ MORE: Theresa May is a Communist on free speech–Jeremy Corbyn a pragmatist about terrorism

Why Gun Control Is Unjust

I think of gun control as all those rules and regulations that are aimed at restricting access to guns. Gun control does not include safety regulations aimed at taking defective guns off the market, nor does it include laws that prohibit firearms to dangerous users, such as children or people with records of relevant sorts of crime or mental illness. Gun control is a response to a real problem, but its application is unjust.

Seattle Cops Sue Over Police Reforms, Claiming They Violate Officers’ Second Amendment Rights

Seattle deputies carry rifles near the scene of a shooting in downtown Seattle, April 20, 2017. (AP/Elaine Thompson)
SEATTLE  – The Ninth Circuit seemed skeptical of Seattle police officers’ claims that a new use-of-force policy mandated by the Department of Justice violates their Second Amendment rights.
U.S. Circuit Judge N. Randy Smith told the officers’ attorney he didn’t “have much of an argument” at a three-judge panel appellate hearing on Monday.