Second Amendment

Are the student demonstrations a sign of a sea change or staged political activism?

It is a nasty thing to get political about matters that involve the loss of life of children. The United States, and indeed, many people from the rest of the world who observed the news of the horrific school massacre in Florida not two weeks ago, all are shocked and horrified. Even for staunch supporters of the Second Amendment’s right to keep and bear arms, there seems to be something about this matter that has gotten attention in a way not seen in previous occurrences.

The Killing Field

Every time we hear news of yet another mass shooting in the United States we inevitably also hear that it is the right of every American to own a gun, sanctified by the Second Amendment to the US Constitution. But I wonder how many people making that claim have actually read the Second Amendment, because that’s not really what it does.
Fortunately the section is very short and pretty easy to understand. It reads, in its entirety, as follows:

Yes, We Can Still Use the Second Amendment to Overthrow the Government

(TFC Opinion) — As the subject of the Second Amendment reenters the public discourse, the question of whether or not the right to keep and bears arms is an effective deterrent against tyranny must be examined. In the days of drones, fighters, and tanks, what good is a semi-automatic rifle? This question is typically posed by those who […]

Columbine School Shooting Survivor Introduces Law to Arm Teachers

Republican Colorado State Representative Patrick Neville, who survived the Columbine gun attack in 1999, is introducing legislation to allow teachers to carry guns in order to thwart school shootings. He identifies "gun-free zones" as the common denominator in mass shootings. He has introduced this legislation every year since 2014, and is hoping that this time it will pass. [...]

Are Dead Children The Price of Freedom in America?

There is a sickness eating at the body and soul of my home country, and it is on full view for the world to see.
When the news broke on Valentine’s Day that 17 people—mostly young students—had lost their lives in Parkland, Florida, one could be forgiven for being numb. Of the 10 deadliest mass shootings in US history, six have come after 2012. Of those six, three have occurred in the last 5 months, including the October 2017 mass shooting in Las Vegas that claimed 58 lives, the deadliest in US history.

Florida High School Students Take on Role of Gun Control Activists

Students from the Florida High School where the recent shooting took place are calling for gun control, even though Nikolas Cruz passed a background check and obtained his AR-15 gun legally. The gun control lobby is now recruiting young students, especially those who are approaching the age of 18 [and eligible to vote] for their newest campaign, 'March for Our Lives', which will include a march on Washington and student protests across the country on March 24th. [...]

Looney US Congressman Adam Schiff says Russian ads promote 2nd Amendment…’so we all kill each other’ (Video)

The Second Amendment (Amendment II) to the United States Constitution protects the right of the people to keep and bear arms…and according to California Congressman Adam Schiff, those pesky Russians are using bots to promote the second amendment with an ultimate goal of having Americans ‘kill each other.’
Once again, another brilliant plan hatched by Putin…good thing Schiff caught on to it and can now begin seizing American’s guns so as to thwart Russia’s evil plan.