Second Amendment

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahAs every sane person knows, if Obama was for it, the Psycho Party is against it. Cases in point: 1) What became known as Obamacare had its roots in a plan devised by the conservative Heritage Society, and, later, Romneycare. It was even supported by Newt Gingrich. And, then, Obama adopted it and the rest was history. 2) And, let's not forget: Obama talking to dictators: bad. Trump talking to dictators: great!

Anti-Gun Lobby Pushing ‘National Walkout Day for School Safety’

Anti-Second Amendment groups are organizing a National Walkout Day for School Safety on March 14th, and they are encouraging children as young as 9-years-old to participate. The walkout will involve leaving the classrooms for 17 minutes. This could not happen without the full support of the school administrators. [...]

Google Tried to Censor What Americans Can Buy Online — but It Totally Backfired

(ANTIMEDIA)  — Very silently — and very temporarily — this week Google appeared to have chosen a side in the gun control debate in the wake of the recent school shooting in Florida that left 17 people dead. Disappointingly, that stance involved censorship of what shoppers using the corporation’s search engine could find online. On Tuesday morning, people shopping […]

Trump Flips on Gun Control: “Take the Guns First, Go Through Due Process Second”

(ANTIMEDIA) — On Wednesday, President Trump appeared to make a dramatic shift regarding his stance on gun rights and the Second Amendment. Trump met with lawmakers to discuss gun laws and school safety in the aftermath of a shooting at a high school in Parkland, Florida that left 17 dead. Transcript: Donald Trump: “Yes, go ahead, […]